Nekketsu oyako psx
Nekketsu oyako psx

Weapons drop from barrels and enemies seemingly every few seconds and you’ll spend very little time barehanded. Dashing can lead into multiple attacks with Tora being able to segue into another three hit combo. Aside from the standard multi hit combo you can toss enemies around and dash.

nekketsu oyako psx

Unlike most titles in the genre every character has a large repertoire of moves. He head stomps like his sister and can run indefinitely, setting up many multi hit combos. In a fun bit of comedy Rando is also the only one that can drink alcohol to restore health! Tora is overwhelmingly the best character, combining some traits of everybody and with some of the best moves. To make up for that he is the only one that can use the bazooka. Oddly he can’t use most normal weapons as they are too small for his big hands. Rio is fast but weak but can head stomp enemies repeatedly like Chun Li.

nekketsu oyako psx

Each member of the family fits neatly into the established archetypes but the game does a good job differentiating them further. The title stands for Hot Blooded Family and the game certainly bears that out. Not even its absurdity can save this one from being mediocre. In the case of Nekketsu Oyako the game is just so average. Looking back on that generation, it wasn’t much as brawlers swiftly died. Forget the developer I wanted to see what the new systems would bring to the genre. When I first saw it in Gamefan I was excited. Which is why I was so disappointed with Nekketsu Oyako, their first 32-bit project.

nekketsu oyako psx

It’s safe to say they pushed the Genesis extremely hard and I at least always looked forward to whatever they worked on next. Thunder Force is their most popular brand but they also made the excellent Elemental Master and the enhanced port of Devil’s Crush.

nekketsu oyako psx

These underrated developers created some of the finest gems during that period. Any serious fan of shooters during the 16-bit era should be familiar with the name Technosoft.

Nekketsu oyako psx